®    Collect.    Design.    Bid.    Build.


Bidding Project List

The following are projects for which we are currently accepting bids.

If you would like to participate in the bidding process, click the project link below.

ProjectBH OfficeOwnerContactBid OpeningDescription
GISD - Gadsden MS and HS Sewer Improvements Las Cruces Gadsden Independent School District 2/20/2025 Middle School PPD lift station rehabilitation and new sewer forcemain from the new Gadsden Middle School to the Anthony Water and Sanitation District sewer collection system as well as High School sewer forcemain improvements.

Recently Opened Bids

ProjectBid Opening
Goodwin Lake Improvements 12/13/2024
Aragon Road Improvements CPS 12/11/2024
Las Cruces Lateral Trail Design Services 7/11/2024
Blanco Flume Replacement 1/31/2024
Aztec Municipal Airport North Apron Pavement Maintenance 1/11/2024